Just wanted to take a minute to thank everyone. Thanks for the words of encouragement. Thank you for taking a few minutes out of your busy day to read my posts. With a blog it it gives you the liberty to write about anything. With a blog you will find your own voice and style. The reader will see who you are. You can see who I am with mine. I am in charge. I don't have to answer to anyone. I guess I do have to answer to my wife when she says to shut down the computer and get to bed.
Thanks to all of my daughters for providing the inspiration for some of my posts. I also need to thank my brothers, sisters and parents. With a huge extended family there are stories galore to write about. I encourage everyone to start a blog. We all have a story to tell. I'm sure some of you guys have more to say than I do. If you start a blog it just needs to stay current. Once or twice a week is fine. I just like to unwind after work and just type away.
Once you start a blog and become really dedicated, it is addicting. Of course you should not forget about your family and just keep to your blogs. I usually give myself about 30-45 minutes once the kids are asleep. This way I give my daughters my full attention when I get home from work. I then turn off the computer and give my wife attention (behave!).
I hope to cover more issues that will keep you guys interested. If you create a blog, let me know I would love to follow yours.
I'm a big fan of Calvin and Hobbs (Special thanks to Bill Watterson)
Till next time
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