Saturday, October 10, 2009

Humble Oil Station and my Grandfather

I am excited that the Humble Oil Station here in San Antonio won the "This Place Matters" national competition sponsored by the National Trust for Historic Preservation. This 1930's gas station is located deep in the west side of San Antonio on 1091 S. Laredo st. I am happy that Audrey Zamora- Johnson with the City of San Antonio was able to get the word out on this historic building. I know this building has great meaning to San Antonio and to many families whose relatives used to work there. This building also has meaning to my relatives.

My dad recently told me that my Grandfather used to pump gas there. As a boy my dad said that he used to go visit my Grandfather while he was taking care of his customers. I know my Grandfather had a great work ethic. I know that work ethic has been handed down to my dad and to all of us. My dad is a retired director from CPS Energy and all of my brothers and sisters are professionals in different fields. Everything from law enforcement, banking, insurance and education.

I want to get my young family over there to see where their Great Grandfather used to work at one time. I know it would mean everything to them. I hope to see if restored to its original glory. There are so many historic buildings around San Antonio that I think we should try and save, I hope this is just a stepping stone.

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